Who is The Family?
The group managed the prayer breakfast for decades, but the breakfast is just the surface of The Family's extensive influence. Unlike the televangelists seen on TV, the Fellowship maintains a wide-reaching international network of elite connections while remaining deliberately secluded and out of sight.
"I wish I could say more about it, but it's working precisely because it is private," Republican President Ronald Reagan said in 1985.
The group's influence extends across all levels of the federal government. Senators and members of Congress often gather with group representatives at locations such as the "C Street Center," a townhouse on Capitol Hill. They also have pull with members of the Pentagon, including members of the UAP investigation units. Many of these UAP investigators express private sympathies with the Collins Elite agenda.
Members close to the group have mentioned engaging in Bible studies and "other items." However, much of their discussions are intentionally kept private.
Add to this the support of this group for the vision of the Collin Elite and its (by extension) ideation of the "end of the world" scenario supported by the general fundamentalist Christian community. You have a chilling formula for the justified use of war and nuclear weapons to hasten the return of the king (Jesus) and, of course, a whole vision of a theocratic culture. You can see where this is all going.
But, coincidentally, another Family plays an odd role in our story.