The Other "Family"

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When, as mentioned earlier, Marjorie and her Family were initially named The Children and later renamed The New M ∴ L ∴, a few things are to be noted. One, where that group was located. Although we don't have documentation of the precise location of the group, word of mouth gives us some ideas. We have sources that say the group was located at the Barker Ranch. You might have heard of the Ranch before. Barker Ranch, situated within Death Valley National Park in eastern California, was utilized as a mining and recreational site from the 1940s to the 1960s. It gained infamy as the de facto headquarters of Charles Manson and his "family."

You might ask why, if we are the Mython Labyrinthi, we only have word-of-mouth information regarding the New M ∴ L ∴. Fair question. The answer is simple. The New M ∴ L ∴ was a reformation of the Mython Labyrinthi. While a few hand-picked people from the first order became members of the second, those who moved from Mython Labyrinthi to The New M ∴ L ∴ were sworn to secrecy. Hence, all we have is whispers and rumors. But where there's smoke, there's fire.

It should also be pointed out that the mission of The New M ∴ L ∴ was different (or so we've been told) than the original mission of the Mython Labyrinthi. Still, everything has been occluded by secrecy and the mists of time, so we can only speculate in a limited, informed way.

So, here's what we have pieced together from various sources.

Barker Ranch