The Occult/Alien Endgame

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Revision as of 10:36, 24 July 2024 by Xttjs (talk | contribs)

The C.E.'s belief is that what many perceive as alien visitors and abductors are actually demons. According to the C.E., these entities are orchestrating a disclosure process to convince the public that extraterrestrial life is real and has been interacting with humanity for some time. This narrative aims to discredit the notion held by some religious individuals that aliens are demons, which the C.E. asserts is the true nature of these beings.

The C.E. fears that a new world order for global governance will be required to counter the supposed E.T. threat or avoid a catastrophic conflict. This regime would be controlled by demonic entities posing as aliens and corrupt humans, ultimately enslaving humanity. The C.E. further believes that the alien agenda involves harvesting human souls.

This is, of course, all ludicrous since we know that the "intelligence" in question here is crypto-terrestrial in nature and has always been here. There was merely a gateway that was opened that allowed these formerly sleeping intelligences access to our "waking" world.

Certain circumstances allow these entities to sometimes interact with some humans in certain places.