Who We Are

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We are a small group of empowered women who worked with Marjorie Cameron (Babalon) until her passing. Before Marjorie, we worked with the one known as The Crone; before her, was her teacher, and her teacher's teacher, and so on. This current has been maintained in various forms since before written records. As far as we know, at least as far back as we have written and oral records, the group has been centered in England, near Devon, until we followed the Crone to the Nither States. According to oral history, the tradition came to England from the Middle East, specifically the historical region of southern Mesopotamia, now south-central Iraq.

Our group has been known by several names, but we recently adopted the title "Mython Labyrinthi." Shrouded in Mystery, this name hints at the depth and complexity of our beliefs and practices. A labyrinth of mysterious thought and belief that leads to conclusions that transcend rational thought. A new way of thinking. Some would call it paranoia, but we know it as total awareness. Like a coyote in the desert, knowing everything that moves through a heightened sense of sound, scent, acuity of vision, and pure instinct. That indescribable sixth sense.

It would be surprising if you had heard of us before now. Know that there are no accidents. You are here now for a reason. The trail of events that led you here is meaningful.

What We Do