Prayer Breakfast Group and "The Family"

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At first glance, the National Prayer Breakfast appears to be a peaceful, bipartisan event dedicated to spiritual reflection. However, over the years, it has also become a source of controversy, involving secretive fundraising, covert lobbying, and even infiltration by forces that would have us believe that UAP/UFOs are demonic forces unleashed by Parsons or who have an ulterior motive in having us consider such a story.

The National Prayer Breakfast has been held annually for 70 years. In 1953, Dwight Eisenhower became the first president to attend. Although not known for being overtly religious, Eisenhower once stated that the country needed a spiritual renewal during his presidency. According to a former government consultant, the FBI and President Eisenhower arranged multiple meetings with alien lifeforms at a remote air base in New Mexico in 1954. This is canonical UFO/UAP lore.

Eisenhower played a crucial role in adding "In God We Trust" to U.S. currency and "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance as measures to counter the "Red Scare"—the perceived rise of communism after World War II, during the U.S.'s rivalry with the Soviet Union.

Since then, every president has attended the event annually. Billy Graham and his son, Franklin, both evangelists, maintained significant influence over presidents for decades, as did the shadowy group "The Family."

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